As you may know, the original budget required raising $165,000 to restore and outfit the 1954 Mack L Model Fire Truck. We have had great support from the community and especially from those who are active and retired in the firefighters’ brotherhood. In addition to financial donations, many area businesses have donated key parts and services.

Restoration work has been started, the integrated mechanical lifting system for caskets has been installed in the hose bed, and we’re moving forward with other aspects of the project. We now require only $65,000 more to get this truck ready to answer its first call to duty.

The Last Alarm volunteers are working on the truck as quickly as possible as time, parts, and funds become available. It saddens us that we have not been able to have the truck ready for those who have departed recently, including two Last Alarm volunteers. They all deserve the time-honored tradition of a fire truck funeral procession on their last call.

Keep the Last Alarm Foundation mission in your heart and mind. Contribute what you can – time, money, services – when you can. Tell everyone you know about the Foundation and encourage them to visit the website, view the video, and add their names to the list of those who have donated in honor of all departed firefighters.

To our fire fighters: Thank you for all that you do, on behalf of so many.